
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

9David H. Bernstein, Christopher F. Parmeter and Mike G. Tsionas, "On the Performance of the United States Nuclear Power Sector: A Bayesian Approach," Energy Economics, 125, 2023. (working-paper-version)

8)  David H. Bernstein, Alecia Cassidy and Ahmed A. Kalifa, "Work-from-home, electricity, and water: Evidence from COVID-19 in Qatar," Energy Strategy Reviews, 49, 2023. (working-paper-version)

7)  David H. Bernstein, "A Critical Review of Univariate Nonparametric Estimation of First Derivatives," Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2022, 92(16), 3511-3528.

6)  Alanoud Al-Maadid, Jesper Akesso, David H. Bernstein, Jayani Chakravarti and Ahmed A. Kalifa, "Understanding Water Consumption in Qatar: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Survey," Urban Water Journal, 2022.

5)  David H. Bernstein, Andrew Martinez, "Jointly Modeling Male and Female Labor Participation and Unemployment," Econometrics, 2021, 9(4), 46.  (working-paper-version)

4)  Mark A. Andor, David H. Bernstein and Stephan Sommer, "Determining the efficiency of residential electricity consumption," Empirical Economics, 2021, 60, 2897-2923.

3David H. Bernstein, "An updated assessment of technical efficiency and returns to scale for U.S. electric power plants," Energy Policy, 2020, 147, 111896.    

2)  David H. Bernstein, Christopher F. Parmeter, "Returns to Scale in Electricity Generation: Replicated and Revisited," Energy Economics, 2019, 82, 4-15.  (lead article, working-paper-version, ReplicationWiki)

1)  David H. Bernstein, Bent Nielsen, "Asymptotic theory for cointegration analysis when the cointegration rank is deficient," Econometrics, 2019, 7(1), 6.  (working-paper-version

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

1)  Subal C. Kumbhakar, David H. Bernstein, "Does xistence of inefficiency matter to a neoclassical xorcist?  Some econometric issues in panel stochastic frontier models," in Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, ed. by C. Parmeter and R. Sickles, NAPW 2018, Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, Springer, Cham, 2021. (appendix)

Working Papers:

7)  Halton Draws in the Generalized True Random Effects Model

6)  Brownfield Remediation Reverses Local Disamenities in Atlanta (with B. Demeke and T. Roitberg) 

5)  Women in Microfinance Institutions (with M. Al-Azzam and C. Parmeter, Submitted)

4)  Estimating Production Functions using Costs when Outputs are Predetermined (with Emir Malikov, Shunan Zhao, and Subal Kumbhakar, Under Review)

3Internal Meta-Analysis for Monte Carlo Simulations (with Mark A. Andor, Christopher F. Parmeter, and Stephan Sommer)

2On robust estimation of the stochastic frontier model (with Christopher F. Parmeter and Ian A. Wright)

1The Impact of Brownfields and Superfund Sites on Property Values: A Meta-Analysis (with Bayou Demeke and Tal Roitberg)

Work in Progress:

3)  Start Values for Stochastic Frontier Models (with C. Parmeter and I. Wright) 

2)  Aerators for Water Conservation (with A. Cassidy and A. Kalifa) 

1)  On Trading Volume (with E. L Tipoe)